Sunday, July 01, 2007

the three preventative paradigms

something i've had circling around in my head for a while now is a fundamental division between malware prevention techniques... i'm moderately certain i've missed something (because three just comes up way too often in security) but it seems to me that everything falls into one (or more) of three broad categories: blacklisting, whitelisting, and sandboxing...

i know, right now you're probably saying "kurt! you missed a whole bunch of stuff - what about heuristics? what about behavioural techniques?"... well, lets look at that - what does behaviour-based malware detection do anyways? it monitors behaviours, sure, but how does it decide something is bad? what's going on is that it's actually comparing the behaviours (or combinations thereof) to a list of known bad behaviours (or behaviour combinations) which means it's a type of behavioural blacklist... likewise, heuristics compares properties (like the presence of certain familiar routines) of the program being scanned to a list of properties known to be used in bad programs and so also represents a type of blacklist... the blacklist technique is not the exclusive domain of signature scanning... anything that tries to identify something as bad (basically anything that tries to algorithmically answer the question "is this bad?") must do so by comparing it or some aspect of it to a list of known bad things of a similar type - and that makes it a blacklist...

"but kurt," you say, "that's not the only kind of behavioural technique out there. what about ones where you define what behaviour different programs are allowed to perform such as provided by various HIPS products?"... well, you'd be right, that behavioural technique is not a blacklist... besides being a process-centric access control system, it is more generally a behavioural whitelist... just as the blacklist technique is not exclusive to signature-based virus scanning, the whitelist technique is not so narrowly defined as to only specify application launch whitelists and/or the preferred paradigm for deploying firewalls... if it tries to block everything that isn't good/allowed/authorized (rather than everything that is bad/not allowed/unauthorized) then it must first be able to answer the question "is this good/allowed/authorized?" and to do that it must have a list of known good/allowed/authorized things - and that is a whitelist...

so if it answers the "is it bad?" question it's a blacklist and if it answers the "is it good?" question it's a whitelist - what's left? you might think it's some combination of the two but in fact it's not answering any question at all... the truth is our ability to answer either of those questions is limited so we need to take care of the case where we can't answer either of them and that's what a sandbox does... rather than blocking things outright based on knowledge of what's good or what's bad, sandboxing prevents malware intrusion to the host system by misdirection... the software which may or may not be malware is given a sandboxed environment to work in rather than the host environment and barring any ability to escape sandboxes, what happens in the sandbox (good or bad) stays in the sandbox... it doesn't necessarily prevent extrusion (leaking) of sensitive data you enter into applications running in the sandbox, mind you, and in that sense is a lesser form of prevention - but preventing malware from affecting the host system without any knowledge of or ability to decide on what's good or bad is no small feat...

if we could just assume everything that a blacklist doesn't alert on was good then life would be simple, but unfortunately that's not the case... likewise, assuming everything that isn't on a whitelist must be bad isn't very useful either (at least not unless you're dealing with very restrictive environments and even then there are complications)... once again, these three approaches are complementary and are best used together...


Chris Quirke said...

This boils down to "safety" vs. "security":

* What everyone needs, whitelist
* What no-one needs, blacklist
* What some need, secure

This limits security - which is complex and breakable - to handle the smaller scope of what is not safe (whitelisted) or cannot be safely walled out (blacklisted).

kurt wismer said...

i agree, at least to a certain extent... i think prevention is, fundamentally, about staying safe (at least as much as possible)...

although, if i were going to characterize things by what people need that would be reason to focus much more exclusively on whitelists (and allow people to have different whitelists)...