at least, that's what it feels like after fielding a bunch of comments on my last metasploit related post. hd moore specifically felt the need to clarify his view and since it seems that my position could stand some clarification itself i'd like to reiterate my response to him here.
my open letter to the metasploit community was meant to drive home 3 points:
- AV detection of metasploit output is a problem for anyone trying to use metasploit legitimately and not necessarily appropriate.
- when people go around saying there's something wrong with AV because it fails to detect metasploit output (in other words, there's something wrong with AV because it fails to do something we've already established would be a problem if it did do) then that actually contributes to the problem by generating market pressure on the AV vendors to correct this supposed problem and add detection.
- since (1) is a consequence of (2), therefore discouraging (2) should help minimize (1).
if my interpretation is correct then i am in complete agreement with him and i think you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone in the anti-malware community or industry who would disagree. i'd even go so far as to say that his video was an appropriate way of demonstrating that point if that point had been presented in such an unambiguous manner. unfortunately that's not what i took away from it when i first viewed it, and as some of the comments on the 'open letter' post show there are those with a far less nuanced understanding of the topic. i just watched the video again and although i found the phrase that triggered my previous response, in light of my new found understanding i no longer see it the same way.
there isn't anything wrong with AV technology per se (and there are certainly some vendors with more non-signature-related bells and whistles than others), but rather the way people use it (as their one and only defense). it's a poor craftsman who blames his tools, so stop trying to drive screws with a hammer and stop trying to block new/unknown threats with a known-malware scanner.