some of you may have noticed i haven't posted in a while... in fact it's been over a month since i last posted anything - my post archive has no entries for february at all... as some of you may recall, anti-malware is not my job - in fact security itself isn't really my job unless you count implementing security features in other software (and even then the only reason i'm the one doing it is because i'm the one who's really familiar with the concepts), so security in general and anti-malware in particular isn't my day job but rather something i've just always had a natural affinity for... that being said, sometimes you need to step back for a while, smell the roses, and gain some perspective, even when it comes to something you're passionate about... ergo, i've been absent...
but today i got an email from cd-man, checking up on me and letting me know that he's tagged me in some internet meme about drawing bunnies... now, i must admit i have a fascination with memes (for purely pragmatic reasons) and how better to study a meme than from the inside by participating in it so i figure why not give it a shot... thus i dug out my highschool sketchbook, an appropriate pencil, found a worthy subject and threw this together (if only i also had a scanner and didn't have to use a crappy digital camera to put it on the web)...
so now i've got to tag 3 people... hmmm, 3 bloggers - jonathan poon, costin raiu, and aaron walters...
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