Thursday, August 23, 2007

who doesn't love bacn?

seems a new meme was born recently involving an email classification called bacn... it seems it's become important to classify notification and other emails that you actually want to receive but don't have time to look at right now...

it also seems that some people see a problem here... frankly, i don't... bacn isn't spam, it isn't anything like spam... it's sent by cooperative parties more or less at your request - if you don't want to receive it anymore you can ask for it to stop and it should actually stop... and since it isn't being sent maliciously it's not going to mutate and evolve rapidly in order to avoid filters that move it into folders specifically made to hold it and organize it and keep it from making your inbox unmanagable...

basically, everything we learned not to do with spam actually works on bacn because bacners (got a better term for bacn senders?) are cooperative rather than malicious...