exploit wednesday is the day after patch tuesday, so named because apparently exploits get released on that day supposedly so as to maximize the length of time the exploit can be used against systems...
but who says the day after patch tuesday is the best day to release exploits? does it really maximize the window of exposure? if an exploit were released one day earlier (ie. the same day as patch tuesday) would there really be time for microsoft to create and test a patch to be included in patch tuesday? how about 2 days earlier (as in today, the day before patch tuesday)? how about 3?
if we look at history, what is the shortest time microsoft has ever needed for researching, addressing, testing, and deploying a patch? an exploit should be releasable before patch tuesday so long as there isn't enough time for the patch to be included... right now there are currently 2 unpatched microsoft word vulnerabilities (one of which has been known about for a week or more) with exploits being used in the wild and they aren't getting included in tomorrow's patch roll-out because there wasn't time to go through the extensive development and testing process that microsoft puts patches through before deploying them...
if the exploit is serious enough to warrant an out of cycle patch then it doesn't matter when you release it because you won't be able to manipulate the size of the window of exposure through timing the release... otherwise the maximum window of exposure is achieved by releasing {minimum microsoft patch time} - 1 days before patch tuesday...
if the bad guys who make and sell the exploits don't know this yet then they're morons... if the bad guys who buy the exploits haven't figured this out yet and agree to an exploit wednesday release date then they're also morons... if the good guys are expecting the bad guys not to figure this out, if they genuinely don't expect to see many exploits until exploit wednesday then they are naive and they're eventually going to get caught with their pants down...
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