so guess what - Publishing exploit code ruled illegal in France...
guillermito will have to pay 5,000 euros if he publishes security vulnerabilities again... that's right, security research is basically illegal in france now so don't you be making fun of any of those french products that really, really suck...
but wait, there's more (there always is with this case)... if you read this article you'll see that tegam is defending it's actions by saying that guillermito's claims are false and his motives questionable... ooops! if his claims are false then the exploits he supposedly published must not actually exploit weaknesses in the product - in which case he didn't publish exploits, only defamatory material, in which case tegam's current claims against him are baseless... but since a court of law agreed with tegam's claims they must not be baseless, in which case the exploits are real, in which case his claims are true rather than false... you can't have your cake and eat it too, tegam...
i swear this company must be run by untrained monkeys...
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